Awards won by our company.

Awards show recognition for Clovin S.A. and prove its achievements and successes.
They also prove that the company develops in a good direction and is appreciated because of its actions. The awards contribute to its reputation, attract clients and investors, motivate the team and help to build trust and business development.


The Effie Award is one of the most prestigious distinctions in the marketing industry, awarded for advertising campaigns that have achieved significant business results.

The Effie Award, often referred to as the “Oscar for effectiveness,” is one of the most prestigious distinctions in the marketing industry worldwide. It was established in 1968 by the American Marketing Association to honor advertising campaigns that have achieved exceptional business results. The Effie Awards focus on marketing effectiveness, emphasizing the importance of not only creativity but also real, measurable results.

The Significance of the Effie Award

The Effie Award is considered a benchmark of success in the marketing industry. Winning this award means that an advertising campaign not only captured the audience’s attention and was creatively innovative but also brought concrete, measurable business benefits. This distinction is synonymous with efficiency and effectiveness, making it highly valued in the marketing community.

Criteria for Awarding the Effie

Effie Awards are given to campaigns that meet several key criteria:

  • Strategy: Clarity and consistency of the marketing strategy.
  • Creativity: Innovative and original approach to the advertising message.
  • Results: Measurable outcomes of the campaign, such as increased sales, market share growth, brand image improvement, or achieving other business goals.

Categories of the Effie Awards

Effie Awards are presented in numerous categories, ranging from traditional media to digital campaigns, as well as special categories such as “Positive Change” for campaigns promoting positive social and environmental changes. These distinctions reflect the diversity and complexity of modern marketing efforts.

Impact on the Industry

Winning an Effie Award is a testament to a company’s and marketing agency’s skills and effectiveness. This distinction often translates into increased prestige and credibility, as well as opening doors to new business opportunities. For advertising agencies and marketing departments, winning an Effie is proof of their ability to create campaigns that truly work and deliver expected results.

CEE Innovation & Investment Executive Summit

The CEE Innovation & Investment Executive Summit is an annual event that brings together the most innovative leaders, board members, and company founders from the Central and Eastern European region. Held at the prestigious Wilanów Palace in Warsaw, the summit offers attendees a variety of discussion panels, workshops, and award ceremonies. The main goal of this event is to recognize companies and individuals who make significant contributions to the development of innovation and the improvement of quality of life.

During the CEE Innovation & Investment Executive Summit, prestigious awards such as the CEE Leadership Awards are presented to honor individuals and companies for their contributions to sustainable development and innovation. These awards are given in various categories, including leadership in sustainable business, investments, and financial policy. The CEE Leadership Awards aim to recognize leaders who promote and support sustainable development in their countries and beyond.

These awards distinguish leaders for their ability to implement significant changes that positively impact the environment and society. The CEE Sustainability Leader category honors individuals who promote and support sustainable development across various sectors, demonstrating an interdisciplinary approach and coalition-building. The CEE Leader in Sustainable Investing acknowledges achievements in integrating sustainable investment practices, while the CEE Leader in Sustainable Banking awards professionals who introduce changes for sustainable development in the banking sector.

The CEE Innovation & Investment Executive Summit is not only an opportunity to recognize achievements but also to inspire and motivate further action towards sustainable development. With its rich program and prestigious awards, the Summit attracts leaders from across the region, creating a unique platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience.



Clovin S.A. in 2022. In Poland the KTR (Copywriters’ Club) award is granted by Stowarzyszenie Komunikacji Marketingowej SAR (SAR Marketing Communication Association) and is one of the most important Polish awards in the advertising industry.

The KTR award recognises and honours the most creative and innovative advertising projects and communication campaigns that are distinguished with their original approach and high performance quality. The award is granted in various fields of advertising, such as TV commercial, print, outdoor, online, graphic design, public relations, events, social media, etc.

The process of granting the KTR award involves the assessment of bids by independent jury comprised of experienced professionals from the advertising industry, including creative directors, copywriters, designers, media specialists, strategists and other experts. The jury assesses the projects in terms of their ingenuity, innovativeness, execution, communicative effectiveness and creative problem solution.

The KTR award is granted in various categories, and the projects are assessed on the basis of their artistic, communication and business value. The winners receive statuettes, diplomas and commendations that are highly prestigious in the advertising industry and help to promote their agency or company.

The goal of the KTR award is to promote creativity, innovation and excellence in advertising in Poland, and to emphasise the role of advertising agencies and trade professionals in the creation of unique and effective communication campaigns. This important event gathers many talented and committed persons from the Polish advertising milieu.

Golden KTR for

  1. Communication in the Direct and Targeting subcategory
  2. Communication in the Creative Strategy subcategory
  3. Communication in the Online subcategory
  4. Design in the Data Visualisation subcategory
  5. Advertiser of the Year
  1. Communication in the INTEGRATED CAMPAIGNS Activation Campaigns subcategory
  2. Communication in the CREATIVE STRATEGY Consumer Insight subcategory

Silver KTR for


Clovin S.A. won the 2022 Innovation award as the Advertiser of the Year for the My First Poison campaign executed in cooperation with the FCBandTheMilkman agency.

The “Innovation” award is granted by Stowarzyszenie Agencji Reklamowych (SAR, Association of Advertising Agencies) in Poland to distinguish advertising agencies and their clients that have innovative and creative approach to marketing activities.

The “Innovation” award is granted in recognition of extraordinary achievements in creation and execution of advertising campaigns that are distinguished by their originality, pioneering approach or use of innovative technological solutions. The goal of the award is to promote creativity, experiments with new forms of advertising communication, and to point to the achievements of advertising agencies that contribute to the development of the advertising industry in Poland.

The “Innovation” award may be granted in various categories encompassing various fields of advertising, such as TV, radio, print, online advertisement, events, social media, mobile marketing, interactive technologies and many more. The assessment criteria may include a novel idea, original use of the advertising medium, campaign effectiveness, creative approach to solving the client’s problem and results of the campaign.

Being granted the “Innovation” award is of great importance to advertising agencies and their clients, as it proves high quality, creativity and involvement in the creation of innovative advertising solutions. It is also an occasion to promote and increase the visibility of the agencies, and to highlight their achievements in the advertising industry in Poland.


  1. Innovations in business in the CSR/ Sustainability SUBCATEGORY
  2. Innovations in communication in the Shift SUBCATEGORY
  3. Advertiser of the Year

Lisbon International Advertising Festival

The My First Poison campaign, prepared by FCB&themilkman and executed by Clovin S.A. and Clovin Polska, is gaining recognition both in Poland and abroad. During the Lisbon International Advertising Festival our campaign won a silver statuette and two bronze statuettes. It is an extremely important award that proves not only the significance of the topic we touch upon but also our efficiency.
The Lisbon International Advertising Festival is an international advertising event organised every year in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal. It is a prestigious festival gathering advertising professionals from all over world.

The goal of the Lisbon International Advertising Festival is to honour top quality creative advertising campaigns and projects, and to promote innovations and excellence in advertising. The Festival is a platform for advertising agencies, creative directors, designers, copywriters, film producers and other professionals who wish to present their achievements and exchange their knowledge with other experts.

The Festival is accompanied with various events, such as presentations, discussion panels, workshops and commercial shows. The jury is comprised of respected advertising specialists who assess the bids and grant awards in various categories, such as TV commercial, printed, digital advertisement, packaging design, social advertisement, etc. The winners receive prestigious awards which prove their creative excellence and achievements in advertising.

The Lisbon International Advertising Festival is not only the venue for competition and awards, but also a platform for exchanging ideas, networking and inspirations for all those present in the advertising industry. It is an occasion to meet with other professionals, gain new perspectives and learn from the best in advertising.

Awards in the PR, Health and Promo & Activation category

Cannes Lions

The “My First Poison” campaign executed in cooperation with the FCBandThemilkman Agency was submitted for awards at the prestigious Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.

It is a unique event gathering advertising, marketing and creative professionals from all over the world. In 2023, the festival received an impressive number of 26,992 bids, and less than 1% of works made it to the short list.
Our campaign was shortlisted in 4 categories: Brand Experience & Activation/ Market Disruption, PR/ Public Affairs & Lobbying and two nominations in the short lists for SUSTAINABILITY/ Responsible Consumption and Production and SUSTAINABILITY/ Good Health and Well-being. We are extremely proud of our team for creating innovative and effective advertising campaigns. Cannes Lions is not only the occasion to present your achievements, but also a platform to exchange knowledge, inspirations and recognition for creativity in the world of advertising. Thank you all for the support which helped us join the narrow honoured list of global community of professionals who shape the future of the industry.

ESG Leaders - Commendation in the strategy category

We are extremely proud to announce that Clovin S.A. received the prestigious ESG Leader award in the competition organised by the Stock Exchange for the year 2022. The ESG Leader award highlights extraordinary achievements and commitment of companies in the area of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) responsibility.
About the Award: The ESG Leader award is granted to companies that set standards in the area of sustainable development, actively contribute to environmental protection and social well-being, and employ best management practices. It reflects the constant efforts of laureates to create value which goes beyond the financial indicators, and to focus on long-term positive impact on the society and the planet.

Our Links: Even before the notion of “ESG” started to be commonly used, Clovin S.A. had long adopted long-term strategic thinking that now ideally fits the framework of ESG. Our actions have always been oriented at broadly understood responsibility and sustainable development. ESG brought no changes to our approach, but provided us with clear definition and structure for the values we have endorsed and employed in our business practices for a long time.

Our Long-term Strategy: The strategy of Clovin S.A. has always been based on carefully thought-out, long-term planning and action. Long before the ESG concept gained popularity, we were investing in sustainable technologies, engaged in social initiatives and cared for the transparency of our business practices. It may be said that ESG equipped our natural conduct with specific definition which helps us communicate our actions and their impact even better.

This award proves recognition of our constant work and encourages us to undertake further actions. We are grateful for this award and commit ourselves to continue our actions in favour of sustainable future when business entities offer not only economic development but also social wellness and environmental protection.

We thank our employees, partners and clients for unswerving support, and the Stock Exchange for honouring us with this prestigious award. Together we are building a world where responsible business operations go hand in hand with success and innovativeness.